microphone therapy podcast

05 30 2021 Microphone Therapy – Did The Pandemic Start With The Wuhan Institute?

05 31 2021
Microphone Therapy That’s Not Just A Tang – It’s A Wu-Tang
We review Mille Lire Pinot Grigio

The Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory
Denver International Airport (DIA) has some secrets. At least, that’s what conspiracy theorists on the internet will tell you.

Built as a replacement for Stapleton Airport, near Denver, in 1995, DIA has always had its share of nefarious conspiracy theories about it. From the beginning, Coloradoans have theorized about the airport’s secret tunnels, clues to Nazi secret societies, and horrifying harbingers of doom “hidden” in public artwork around the Denver hub.

The Rona Has Leaked Virus From Wuhan
The source of the coronavirus that has left more than 3 million people dead around the world remains a mystery. But in recent months the idea that it emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) — once dismissed as a ridiculous conspiracy theory — has gained new credence.


shakes the clown, the night stalker, bill paxton

many of the people they tortured in the room never came out


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