13th Flower Chapter 1 – Earth – Inanna and the Huluppu Tree – 8.15.15

This is the first chapter of a new collaboration between trickster starryteller Gemini Brett and medicine bardess Marya Stark to honor the stories of Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, the mysteries of Venus, and the essence of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies that are at the root of our great awakening.

Each chapter will include a four element approach:

Earth – a reading of Diane Wolkstein and Neil Kramer’s Sumerian tablet translations from their book, “Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth.”

Water – a reflection upon the emotional application of the story for our healing.

Air – an astronomical and astrological journey into the correlations of this starry story and the Venus Synodic Cycle (584-day dance of Venus, Earth, and Sun).

Fire – a practice for purification and realignment.

Seekers and Keepers from all walks of the Way will join the quest.

These audio episodes will be accompanied by videos describing the what, why, who, and how of the process. You can view them through the 13th Flower playlist at the More Than Astrology YouTube channel or by joining the free, public facebook community “The Sovereign Sceptre of the Lioness.” Links below.

Love and Venus,
Gemini and Marya


FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/758424620935398/
