324-Samurai Legends: Violent Ends (ad-free)

Two young men: a wildman determined to collect 1000 swords from defeated samurai, and a displaced son of a clan leader, who had spent his childhood on the run. Together, these two would find their place in the world, and change it in the process.

The creatures are the Keltémas and Kazna Peri, and they just might help you get rich…or lead you out into a snowstorm straight from the bath.

The phone umbrella: https://myths.link/phonebrella

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Creature book: https://myths.link/cheremiscreaturebook


Attract, Interview, and Hire all in one place with Indeed: https://indeed.com/legends


“Cicle DR Valga” by Blue Dot Sessions
“Just the Feeling in the Room” by Blue Dot Sessions
“Micolai” by Blue Dot Sessions
“Disinter” by Blue Dot Sessions
“Solemn Application” by Blue Dot Sessions
“Feather on the Crest” by Blue Dot Sessions

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