8.2.16 – A Roaring Moonth Of Heavenly Happenings

If what they say is true about Leo loving drama, the Heavens are a fitting stage this Moonth. There is a whole lot going on up there! All visible Planets seen in the evening sky at once!, The Goodess reclaiming her Root Chakra, A Mercury-Venus-Jupiter triple conjunction Squaring off with a Mars-Saturn-Antares triple conjunction, all sorts of T-Squares that emphasize the Saturn-Neptune debate regarding Reality Vs. the Dream, a Grand Goddess Sextile Party, Super Rare Outer Planet Alignments, and the ever-infamous Mercury Retrograde Station just to name a few. You will hear many more of the dramatic heavenly happenings riddled here in 79 minutes of seaside astrobabble devoted to calling forth the true Leo… who doesn’t need the spotlight… Leo IS the spotlight… the Radiant Light of the Roaring Flames. I’m often asked, “what’s it all about?” Well, here’s just like my opinion, man.

Love and Planets,
Gemini Brett