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9% – Are You Vulnerable? The Biggest Threat To Physical Therapy Is Here

Are You Vulnerable? The Biggest Threat To Physical Therapy Is Here

Help #FightTheCut Today!

Kara Gainer and Kate Gilliard from Regulatory Affairs at APTA discuss the 9% cut CMS is promising on therapy services in 2021.

Not only should PT’s, PTA’s and students contact Congress but our voice needs to be raised directly at CMS.

Take these steps to send your letter to CMS:

* Head over to APTA’s Patient Action Center* Click Submit Your Comment to CMS to Oppose the 9& Medicare Cut* A prewritten letter is created. All you need to do is enter your contact information. To demonstrate how this is personally impactful, write a personal message in the box provided.* SEND MESSAGE

APTA’s goal is to send 30,000 letters to CMS. Take action and send a letter to CMS!