A Town Where You Live

A Town Where You Live, or known in Japan as Kimi no Iru Machi, is definitely not your typical romance title. Featuring a cast thrown into difficult odds, it led to some of the more divisive responses we’ve ever seen in anime. How did the hosts of the Animecast fare? Listen and find out.

Note: Following our spoiler free review of A Town Where You Live, we dive into some spoiler discussion of the series. If you have not watched the entire series, avoid listening beyond the 25:30 marker.

As mentioned in the podcast, this copy of A Town Where You Live Blu-ray was provided to us for review by Nozomi Entertainment and Rightstuf.

The opening for episode is the OP for A Town Where You Live called “Sentimental Love” by MimimemeMIMI. The closing for this episode is the ED1 for A Town Where You Live called “Kimi no Iru Machi” by Yoshimasa Hosoya. The closing for our spoiler segment we play more of “Sentimental Love” which can be found on iTunes.