Am I Dating a Narcissist? (ft. Dr. Ramani)

This week, Father Cooper is joined by clinical psychologist, author and expert on narcissism – Dr. Ramani. Dr. Ramani provides clarity and explains the core characteristics of a narcissist. She walks us through how to recognize if we are in a relationship with a narcissist and the steps to take to safely get out. Dr. Ramani breaks down two of the narcissists favorite tactics – gaslighting and love bombing. We are given a crash course on the manipulation tactics to spot in a narcissist. If you aren’t dating a narcissist – perhaps you were raised by one? Dr. Ramani explains the effect of growing up with a narcissistic parent and how it often unknowingly leads to dating one later in life. This episode is a detailed guide on how to recognize and rid the narcissist from your life. 

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