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APTA Aerosol-Generating Procedures with APTA Section & Academy Presidents

We have Cindy Miles (Academy of Pediatrics President), Sharon Gorman (Academy of Acute Care President), Angela Campbell (Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary President) and Dee Kornetti (Home Health Section President) talking about APTA’s COVID-19 Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP) statement.

As aerosol is one of the chief modes for COVID-19, APTA created an aerosol generating procedure guide because exercise and mobility could generate those aerosols.

For more information on this AGP statement, check out these resources created by the APTA:

* Taking Precautions for Mobility and Exercise as Potential Aerosol-Generating Procedures* COVID-19 Core Outcome Measures* Infectious Disease Control

Check out APTA’s Post-Acute COVID-19 Exercise and Rehabilitation (PACER) Project on APTA’s Learning Center to learn more about the physical therapy management and education required for this population.


“It’s chaos. Be kind.” – SHARON

“Through adversity comes opportunity.” – ANGELA

“’…the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…’ – Theodore Roosevelt, The Man in the Arena” – DEE

“Peds rocks. APTA and everyone in the academies and all the chapters rock. We all rock better together.”  – CINDY