
Bakemonogatari has been a big hit in certain sections of the anime fandom. Praised for its witty dialog exchange that could make any subtitle purist’s eyes bleed. In all seriousness, the lack of an Otaku Spirit Animecast review of it was just downright criminal. Seeking to change that, we sit down and review this classic and give it a proper examination.

Note: Following the Spoiler-Free Review of Bakemonogatari, we dive into some spoiler discussion about the first season. If you have not watched Bakemonogatari, avoid listening beyond the 27:42 mark.

We open this episode with the Bakemonogatari OP4 called “Renai Circulation” by Kana Hanazawa. Closing, we play the ED for Bakemonogatari called “Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari” by supercell. The closing of the spoiler segment is “Sugar Sweet Nightmare” by Yui Horie.