Building A Twitter Power Following

Welcome to the #TwitterSmarter podcast, Episode 7. I was a recent guest on#SocialChat. It’s a great Twitter chat that I highly recommend. It’s run by Alan K’necht @aknecht and Michelle Stinson Ross @SocialMichelleR.  Their website says, “Bringing together the web’s most forward thinking social media marketers.” It’s held every Monday at 9pm ET. In this episode I’ll answer and expand on questions they asked me as a guest during the chat. Twitter Chats are great but they do move fast. In this episode, I’ll give broader answers and share links to sites I discuss. Click here for the show notes.

In this episode, here’s what I cover:

  • My expanded answers to the @SocialChat Twitter chat questions.
  • 1. How much time should we spend each day on focused Twitter activity for growth?
  • 2. How do you choose who to follow in order to grow a following?
  • 3. What activities are involved when you’re “listening” on Twitter?
    • It’s important to have a pulse on what’s being said about you and your company.
    • I track and monitor my mentions on Hootsuite.
    • Great listening tool – Spider by oneQube
    • I like using Mention and Google Alerts
  • 4. How does engaging with new people help grow your following?
    • Twitter is the big cocktail party. It’s all about engaging.
    • Engagement pushes you out there into the Twitterverse. The more you engage, the more you grow your followers.
    • Be active. Listen. Engage.
  • 5. How can users leverage Twitter Chats for follower growth?
    • Chats are amazing. I run the largest Twitter chat for musicians – #ggchat every Thursday 3pm ET and again at 9pm ET.
    • Participating in Twitter chats will get you lots of exposure. The key is to do it consistently.
    • Make time to join in as many chats as you can. Be a regular. You’re visible. You’re active. You will see follower growth and get results.
    • Mindset: connect with like-minded people.
    • Retweet the most important tweets in the discussion. It will add to your visibility. Share others. Let them have the spotlight too.
    • If you want to leverage the power of a Twitter chat: Start your own chat. Find a niche. Be consistent. Watch it grow. You’ll be amazed.
  • Your Call-To-Action: Join the #SocialChat Mondays at 9pm ET. It’s a great place to meet other people in social media such as Social Media Managers and experts. It’s also a great place to learn about social media.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Call To Action:Join the #SocialChat on Mondays at 9pm ET. It’s a great place to connect and learn. Tweet me @MadalynSklar and let me know if you plan to join in the chat. When you reach out to me, be sure to use the hashtag #TwitterSmarter. Was this episode helpful? Tweet me and let me know!

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