microphone therapy podcast

Cocktails with Heather – Lemony Fresh Hot Bukakke Party

from the Ace of Spades
Where snoop doog is throwing down hot jams
and cooking up hot dishes with his main bitch martha stewart
cocktails with heather
heather dyan
papaya lemonyfresh
and me your host playing the part of dick pickles
on todays show
we review another bottle of wine – Unscripted
we talk about why it’s ok to suck at doing stuff – whatever that stuff is and why it’s ok to just suck, it’s acceptable, so go on… suck. oh yah.
we also talk about girls in yoga pants, because god bless yoga pants
and NO BUDGET Jeopary!
and our drinks of the day
French 75
1 oz Gin
¾ oz Lemon
1 oz Simple Syrup
3 oz Champagne
Combine all ingredients in shaker tin, excluding Champagne.
Add ice to small shaker tin.
Shake vigorously, until tin is frosted over.
Strain into champagne flute with champagne.
Garnish with lemon twist and enjoy.

this ain’t nothing but an UUH thang.

Welcome to no budget jeopardy where the points are fake, just like my breast implants
NO Budget Jeopardy –
Now entering the studio –

is our host – Michael Richard Dawson –

I have a clip on tie
my suit is by mr. guy
and i live with my mom in her basement

welcome to No Budget jeopardy, where the points are fake, but the emotional stress is real.

5 Categories – 3 questions per category –
Once you select a category you must finish all the questions in that category before moving on to the next
and always answer in the form of a question

Final No Budget Jeopardy –
One question – You have to bet all your points –
The loser is consigned to the corner of shame, while the winner gets to bask in the glory of all the points they won.

Topics –
1 Butt Stuff
2 rash or std
3 lord of the rings or antidepressant
4 porno or hollywood movie
5 looney tunes

All contestants on final no budget jeopardy don’t actually win anything, they are here purely for the amusement of everyone listening and you should thank them properly! In the case of an acutal contest winner getting any sort of prize, we reserve the right to substitute that prize with either a pair of heathers dirty socks or laundry lint, depending on how generous heather is feeling. Now back to no budget jeopardy!

No budget jeopardy is a production of korahn incorporated and distributed by king world