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Disabled is Not a Bad Word says Marcia Darbouze

Marcia Darbouze is a powerlifter, black spoonie, and physical therapist. She also co-hosts on a podcast called the Disabled Girls Who Lift. Marcia highly recommends checking out episode 12 – How to Treat your Disabled Friend.

Wondering what is a spoonie? She explains it as a metaphor for how people with chronic illness feel and it changes daily.  

Marcia begins with her fears about disability as she was learning in PT school. She connected with her two co-hosts who are also disabled to discuss the meaning to be disabled. These ladies put these ideas together to launch their podcast.

Through her connections in her community and on Instagram, she now has her own practice at Just Move Therapy.

In this community, Marcia expresses why inspiration is not what they need, but increased access for all people to have the same lived experience.


“This is a process. This is a journey. The destination is moving forward and feeling better. Maybe things will feel the same, maybe they won’t. You’re still you. You’re still 100% the same person.” – MARCIA  

“I’m not pushing volumes and numbers. I’m just living.” – MARCIA

“Luck seems to favor people who hustle a lot.” – JIMMY

“The hardest part is making that dream… You don’t have to know anything to start something.” – MARCIA

“The only thing holding you back is you.” – JIMMY


“Hire disabled people.” – MARCIA