Electrify Your Twitter Lists with Ross Barber

Ross is the founder of Electric Kiwi, a design and marketing firm that specifically caters to the music industry. Based in Scotland, Ross applies his web design expertise to help bands and musicians around the world build an electrifying online presence.

He is also the co-host of the podcast Bridge the Atlantic, along with Canadian musician and filmmaker Marcio Novelli, where they interview musicians and creative entrepreneurs. Quick FYI here. I’m in Episode #63 sharing Twitter tips, community building, my life as the leader of GoGirlsMusic and so much more.Click here to listen.

Listen in as Ross shares with us his best Twitter tips and talks about the power of personalizing and organizing your Twitter lists. He also shares how a little bit of creativity can build your Twitter presence and increase interaction.

Episode Highlights:

  • Ross used to have a business-oriented approach in using Twitter and then realized the importance of being personal. Showing more of yourself gives a more rewarding experience.
  • Use your own photo on your profile instead of a logo to show people that you’re real and to show a bit more of your personality. This equates to more interaction, more retweets, and more favorites. Really good conversations.
  • Keep your feed organized by using Twitter lists. It’s simply a curated group of accounts. Viewing a list will show you a stream of tweets only from the accounts on a list. You can set them up to be either public or private. They can help you monitor your competitors, connect with industry leaders, engage with employees, stay on top of trends and so much more.Click here to learn how to use lists.
  • Tip: Be creative in naming your lists to make it more interesting and to grab people’s attention. Example: I have a list called “Social Media Smarties” rather than “Social Media.”
  • Tip: List names cannot exceed 25 characters and they cannot begin with a number.
  • Tip: To remove yourself from a list, you will need to block the creator of the list.
  • Ross recommends using the Buffer Chrome extension. You’ll love it because it’s so easy to share links, pictures and video from anywhere on the web.


  • “Do not be afraid to be personal and social on Twitter because it is called social media.”
  • “People buy from people.”
  • “It’s not a one-way street. You can’t expect everyone to contact you. You have to be proactive and tweet them.”
  • “I like to keep my feed organized by using lists.”
  • “I use public lists to organize people I follow into different categories or subjects. It helps me keep things focused and organized.

Links to Tools and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

How to Reach Ross Barber:

You can reach Ross Barber on Twitter @ElectricKiwi and @Bridge_Atlantic. You can also connect with him on FacebookInstagram and his website.

Your Call-to-Action:

Your call-to-action for this episode is to sign up for Buffer (if you’re not using it already). It’s free although you can also opt-in for some premium features depending on your needs. Also be sure to give Buffer’s Chrome extension a try. Let me know what you think of this episode by sending me a tweet @MadalynSklar. I’d also like to know what you think about Buffer. I’ve been a fan, using it for many years. No, I didn’t get paid to say that! But I’m interested to know your thoughts on all this.

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Want an easy “one-click” way to Share The Love for this podcast? Go here:www.madalynsklar.com/love to tweet out your love.

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#TwitterSmarter Twitter Chat: Join our weekly Twitter chat where you go to learn and share Twitter tips. It’s every Thursday at 1pm ET/10am PT. We’ll also have Q&A’s with guests from the #TwitterSmarter podcast. Mark your calendar. You don’t want to miss this!

Not familiar with Twitter chats? Click here to learn about them. Show notes at www.madalynsklar.com/twittersmarter33