pt pintcast

Embrace the Boom

In this episode, we’ll be diving into Seth Godin’s thought-provoking blog post titled “Fear the Rot.” As a society, we tend to focus on crises and cataclysms, which dominate our media. However, Godin argues that we should be more concerned about the rot that occurs over time.

Whether it’s organizations, reputations, systems, health, investments, or even our teeth, everything decays unless we persistently work to support it. Instead of focusing on the big boom or sudden end, we need to be aware of the slow decay that is happening around us.

Godin points out that even our teeth, which we take for granted, slowly decay over time. For every hockey player who loses a tooth in a game, there are millions of people who have lost teeth due to neglect over time.

So, why is it important to fear the rot? Because it’s often the small things that lead to big problems. It’s the neglect of small maintenance tasks that lead to the collapse of systems, organizations, and even personal health.

In this episode, we’ll explore how we can avoid the rot by paying attention to the small things and doing the necessary work to maintain and improve the things that matter most to us. We’ll discuss practical strategies for avoiding rot in our personal and professional lives, and how we can overcome the distractions of crises and cataclysms to focus on what really matters.

Tune in to this episode to learn more about how to fear the rot and take proactive steps to prevent it in your own life.