Ep 41 – Holiday Classics: All I Want for Saturnalia is Yule

Yule want to listen to this episode and our upcoming holiday classics! This episode is Yuletide and Saturnalia all in one. We hope you are ready to lose your togas and don your pileus caps! Gather your wine and your wassail, take a seat and light the log and party for at least a week to celebrate Saturn and the Golden Age of Man in our favorite Roman Holiday, Saturnalia!

We’re not limiting this classic re-release celebration to Classical Rome. No sir! It’s not a Yuletide party until you’ve ridden your Sleipnir with Odin all the way up and down the heims for a raucous season of the hunt.

Drunk Mythology is a podcast created by Krista and Christian, recounting the feats and failures of world Mythology, with a few drinks along the way.