Ep35 – Seymour Weiner

Eric Zane and Christian Bladt are back with exploding pizza ovens, runaway buzzsaws, the return of Long Island’s Hot Dog Hooker and much more. They answer the question: when is Joe Rogan not Joe Rogan? Plus, John Sterling calls a Juan Soto home run, the Mets honor a veteran who never stopped serving his country, reactions to the collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore and, of course, the Trump Bible! Also, the Reverend Sheetstain stops by to share a montage of politicians fighting around the world!

Watch the episode here: https://youtube.com/live/c02j2fHMKLo

More Eric Zane – https://ericzaneshow.com/

More Christian Bladt – https://www.youtube.com/@thebladtcast3174

More WATP – http://bit.ly/watp-patreon