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Ep385 – Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown

If you ever watched Blossom and thought, I wonder who’s going to take themselves the most seriously in 20 years, today’s show will answer that. Mayim Bialik, when she isn’t annoying Jeopardy fans, does a podcast that interviews people like Corey Feldman and pretends he’s a talented performer. 

Trucker Andy joins the show to celebrate Corey’s music career. Then we’re joined by KC Armstrong, the former producer of the Howard Stern Show. He’s heard enough of Stuttering John’s lies and he’s ready to dish. Also Chad Zumock declares war or something and Opie doesn’t understand why he’s compared to StutJo. 

We’re live in Philly on April 22nd with the Dick Show. Tickets here: live.dick.show

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