Ep468 – Health & Wellness Podcasts

This week we’re competing to see who can find the worst podcast in the health and wellness category. Lucy Tightbox has been running away with these competitions since we started a couple of weeks ago and you can tell Andy and I are feeling the pressure. This is going to be a close one. I brought in What The Actual Fork, a show about escaping from that pesky “diet culture” that keeps women down worse than the patriarchy (no questions please). Andy brought Denn Fam featuring the most annoying mom ever. Lucy Tightbox brought in This Is Stuart featuring long hair, blue eyes, and a ton of mumbo jumbo.

After we each present the worst shows, I read a note sent to Banana Bag that tells them we’re bad news and they shouldn’t sponsor the show anymore. Then we have some excellent submissions to the holiday song parody contest. After that Lemonparty reviews Opie Radio, Stuttering John fights Opie online, SJ has a friend, John threatens my wife with revenge porn, Tookie and Cardiff join to talk about the copyright strike, and we play another round of To Poke A Dabbler.



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