Ep477 – Drama Podcasts

It’s another midweek episode where Lucy, Andy, and I compete to find out who can find the worst podcast in a different podcast category. This time around I picked “drama” and I thought that was pretty self-explanatory. I was wrong. I think Lucy misunderstood the assignment and I’m still scratching my head about Andy’s pick.

Andy comes in hot with “Who Shat on the Floor at My Wedding” (which I just looked up and is under the category of true crime) about lesbians who saw some poo on the bathroom floor and made an entire podcast about it. Lucy Tightbox presents the drama that is “Hot Tee” which involves gingerbread houses or something. I brought a sci-fi scripted show with bad acting and foley work called “Omega Star 7” (vote for Karl). After some MSCS cringe we check in on Tom Myers who continues to baffle us with his joke structure. Then Kevin Brennan has such a bad episode of Misery Loves Company that he feels the need to apologize for it and we get to see Stuttering John’s true family dynamics on Christmas day.



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