Ep525 – The Huge Boob Corner

Peter McClane lives in Vegas and he’s obsessed with big boobs. Well, not big boobs. We all like big boobs. This guy is a little different. He’s obsessed with huge boobs! You can’t find bras for these things. These are the types of boobs that, in third-world countries, have to be supported by child slave labor.

Vinnie Paulino joins us to remind everyone that obese women in porn are not beautiful. Then Maddox has a new announcement that’s a real head scratcher. Missy B joins the show to analyze Aaron Imholte’s personality and determine if he’s a narcissist. Nick Rekieta finally streamed and addressed Aaron tattling on him and getting him and his wife arrested. We watch Aaron’s reaction to it and boy was that a miss for Steel Toe. After that we check in on That Reality Show from a month ago and get some more timeless drops from Lisa Boswell. Finally, Stuttering John has a 9/11 story that is the reason why he drinks, another round of To Catch An Alien, Internet News, Maribeth Rosie reads new reviews, and we listen to your voicemails.

Tickets are on sale for DabbleCon 2 on August 16th and 17th – https://www.carlsoncomedy.com/



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