Ep539 – This is Mariya

Meet Mariya Nurislamova, a successful CEO who also shares her thoughts on energy portals, karmic payback, quantum leaps, and much more on her YouTube channel. She discusses the end times, spiritual awakening, and losing your keys. Also, something about teeth and your ancestors, I don’t know I wasn’t paying attention.

Trucker Andy and Jenny Jingles join the show to discuss deep jurning and $125k retreats. Jerry Banfield says you CAN handle the truth. Then we watch Aaron Imholte show total disregard for his cohosts pathetic love life and admit he’s not authentic in any single way. Opie has a super hot take on Howard Stern’s man bag and does a spot-on Biden impression. Stuttering John had guests on his show and decided to hold them hostage as he explained the Dabbleverse to them. Then Maribeth Rosie joins us to catch an alien, get caught up on the internet news, read recent comments, and play your voicemails.

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