Episode 13 – Prophecy Of Prometheus One – Nigredo – 6.14.16

This is the first podcast of a series entitled, “The Prophecy of Prometheus,” which aims to address the madness of our current times through the lens of Greek Myth. In the tales of old, the Titan who created us spoke of a forthcoming celestial regime change. Seems to me that the process has begun. In the beginning, it probably won’t seem so fun. This is the nigredo. The blackening. Why? So we may the brighter light. ‘For when the matter becomes blackened, Rejoice! Now you know you are on the path to purification.’ This first chapter (probably the first two or three) won’t be all puffy unicorn rainbow love balls, but we will find the beauty at the end of this path into the dark woods. If you’re one for the proverbial red pill, let’s take a walk.

This series will dive into many of the recent astrological happenings that seem to be reflecting this course: The Uranus-Pluto Square, the Blood Moon Tetrad, the 2014 Grand Cross, Neptune and Chiron’s dance through Pisces, The Saturn-Neptune Square, the Mutable Grand Cross of 2016, and much more.

A change is coming our way. Actually, it’s happening now, isn’t it? What can we do to assist these energies in assisting us? As Above, So Below.

This series will feature the great David Hoover playing many instruments!

Love and Planets,
Gemini Brett