Episode 18 – 1.12.17 – Prophecy of Prometheus Four – Rubedo – “Them” is pro me-the-Us

Featuring the great Dave Hoover on Harp.

It is time for a change of Cosmic Council! I admit it’s someone irreverent, on Jupiter’s day, to post this transmission about the One who will take His place. Then again, I’m not really talking about the overthrow of the Gas Giant Guru, but rather about the wevolution, which is not one of destruction and, therefore, must include that Lightening Bolt Throwing Being who sometimes attempts to Rule us from the Heavenly Dome called our Head. That’s right… I’m talking about the Brain. And about the Heart. And about the Body. And about our Inner connection to the Outer Planets.

Deep bow to the teachings of Kevin Haggerty at Communiversity last night for turning me on to a new relationship with my Nervous System. Seems this final piece allowed me to receive an un-puzzling dream to complete this Prophecy of Prometheus project that’s been writing itself in me for at least four years.

Would you like to join the journey? Away we go! And then back Home. You’ll get to hear the ever-amazing Harp of Dave Hoover before you are challenged by a bit of my personal nervousness about the System. Then, it’s an Earthship straight to Space.

Love and Planets,
Gemini Brett

Dave Hoover – https://www.facebook.com/Celticharper