Episode 2 – Leda And The Swan – Gemini, Geminyou – 6.17.15

Trickster StarryTeller Gemini Brett of More Than Astrology retells the great Greek Myth, “Leda and the Swan.” This starry story of the Twins Castor and Pollux helps us understand and revive the Gemini Archetype that lives and breathes within each of us. A brief telling of Hanuman stories reminds us to reclaim our magic. Recorded from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.

Featured Music:
“Blood Simple” and “Matanzas”
by Surface to Air

Astronomical topics include Archeoastronomical alignments seen at Chaco Canyon, various ideas of “the Underworld,” stars moving “Under the Beams” and being reborn in the Eastern Sky with their Heliacal Rise, the Dog Days of Summer, The Egyptian Sothic Calendar, Star Correlations of Giza and Chaco Canyon.

Astrological topics include Sun Conjunct Mars, Gemini New Moon, Morning Star Mercury, and Saturn in Scorpio.

Mystical topics include the retrieval of our magic by remembering “The Work” is actually play.

Thanks for tuning in!

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Love and Planets,
Gemini Brett