Episode 3 – The Marriage Of Heaven And Earth – Astrotheology – 6.24.15

Trickster StarryTeller Gemini Brett and Medicine Bardess Marya Stark focus AstroMythological Mysteries of ancient Egypt and following ages through a lens of modern storytelling and original music to shine a light on cosmological and mystical gems woven into the web of these old starry stories. Recorded live under a Santa Cruz Oak on 6/24/2015 as Messenger Mercury reached maximum morning elongation at 11 Gemini and Mars ingressed into Cancer (a note that Marya and Brett share in the songs of their celestial fingerprints).

Brett here… I am so entirely honored to have been graced by Marya’s participation in this podcast. She is a cosmic collaborator of endless inspiration and I look forward to having her back on the show again as a musical contributor, but also as a guest to interview. Marya took the challenge to write original songs for this episode and created “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth” and “Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise” in less than three days time… Amazing! The lyrics for each song are below. You can find oodles of original songs, thoughts, videos, and more at Marya’s website: MaryaStarkMusic.com.

And you can find more of my work at MoreThanAstrology.com.

Thank you for tuning in.

See you in Space!


“Marriage of Heaven and Earth”
by Marya Stark

from the void was a great light
from the light a great noise
from the depths of the endlessness
come twins, bliss and emptiness
and the two had a great love
the two had great love
their mythic love brought forth
twins of sky and earth

sister sky, body full of stars
planets round swallowed in the dawn
arching back for your dear love
longing there for his windy breath
brother earth who’s very laugh
quakes the ground from belly cracks
geese and barley, snakes and bull
sky above she gazes whole

‘when shall we meet again
duty stakes us not be wed
sky and earth, fair folly ways
ne’er to merge none these yearly days
oh my love, we could not be
separate as sand from sea
my dear light in yonder sky
pray the spirits hear our cries

thoth the wise heard longing pleas
carried in the song of seas
measured it through the math of days
in the language on the pages
fared he then to meet the moon
fellow traveler through the blue
marking passages in rhyme
knowing well bets made in time

‘brother moon have you heard the songs
from heaven, earth and from beyond
wager me this gamble true
if you win ill give you dues
and if I win set me a flight
share with me your lunar light
briliiant shine, outmeasure ye
glowed he did, setting hours free

so much light the moon did poureth fourth
five new days was his award
five new days not measured by
gods who’d set the year of time
and in those days the two made love
as below, it was above
heaven and earth made love til dawn
their babes birthed creations song


“Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise”
by Marya Stark

sunrise, sunset, sunrise
sunrise, sunset, sunrise

13 temples to you, my love
13 stones unturned
13 altars to you my love
and in golden ways you return

i would become a maid for you
to weep at you pillar tree
i would become a bird for you
to become with child for thee

sunrise, sunset, sunrise
sunrise, sunset, sunrise

the rivers are flooded, they cannot hold
the tears ive weep for you
sweet sinners are clinging to secret names
but I hear them, and whisper to you

shine your grace down my sweet
for they know only jealous love
shine youe wisdom down me sweet
for the days are long with war

with a sunrise, and sunset, sunsrise
sunrise, sunset, sunrise