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(Free Audio Only) EP 141: The One About Censorship

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The one about Censorship

First, I dive into the RESTRICT Act, also known as the TikTok ban, which could be implemented to regulate social media applications, products, and services that pose a threat to national security or the safety of the United States. I analyze the Act’s potential consequences, including censorship of certain types of content, invasion of privacy, and discouragement of innovation in the social media industry. I also examine the contrasting opinions on censorship’s role in preventing hate speech, cyberbullying, and the spread of fake news.

Next, Its Gavin Newsom, the subject of several accusations of corruption and immorality. I discuss the allegations of Newsom being a backstabber, adulterer, and greedy politician, who locked down California while partying at his winery with donors. I also examine the recently passed AB 665 bill in California’s Assembly Judiciary Committee, which would allow minors as young as 12 to receive medical, mental health, or counseling services without parental consent. I analyze the contrasting opinions on the bill’s impact on mental health care access and parental rights.

Join me in this episode to learn more about the RESTRICT Act, Gavin Newsom, and the AB 665 bill.

#RESTRICTAct #GavinNewsom #AB665 #ParentalRights #MentalHealthCare #themikeypodcast #california