From The New World

It’s not often you come across a show that can possibly dethrone a long standing top 5 anime title. For one of the hosts of the Animecast, From The New World (Shin Sekai Yori) may possibly be the cause of one such moment. Listen and find out why!

Note: Following our spoiler free review of From The New World, we dive into some spoiler discussion of the series. If you have not watched the entire series, avoid listening beyond the 26:10 marker.

The opening for this episode is the ED1 for From The New World called “Wareta Ringo” by Risa Taneda. The closing for this episode is the ED2 for From The New World called “A Flower Blooming in Snow” by Kana Hanazawa. Following our spoiler discussion, we again play the ED1 for From The New World called “Wareta Ringo” by Risa Taneda