Hankie Pankie Podcast – Neil Herrin Interview

Today’s guest shares with us how there is discrimination in every industry and what he is experiencing with his newest project.   Proud member of Generation X, Neil started gaming in the 80s on the Atari 2600. Making his way up through NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS2, etc. He’s been around for every generation of gaming thus far. On the Professional side he has over 20 years in IT/coding and illustration.  In 2020 Neil combined his love for gaming and technical expertise to form the Vanilla Gaming Company.  

He set out to create a company that’s not afraid to take risks and make games that are FUN and a little less “fluffy” than the current titles we’re used to seeing these days.  “It seems the days of originality in gaming are dead, or at least asleep.  Every game is a carbon copy of the previous game, and most styles are in a perpetual rinse and repeat mode.  Let’s dare to be different and do something fresh, something new.”

Contact / Social Media

Email:  Info@vanillagamingcompany.com

Website:  https://www.vanillagamingcompany.com/

Press Kit:  https://www.vanillagamingcompany.com/vanillabeastpresskit

Steam:  https://store.steampowered.com/app/1532410/VanillaBeast_Ace_in_the_Hole/

Twitter (Main Social Media):  @VanillaGamingCo

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/vanillagamingco

Kickstarter Campaign (March 15th):  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vanillabeastgame/vanillabeast-ace-in-the-hole

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