How Did The Media Miss This Explosive Footnote in the IG Report? (Ep 1134)

In this episode, I address the explosive footnote hidden in the IG report which destroys the FBI’s entire cover story for the Spygate scandal. I also address the imploding impeachment fiasco. 

News Picks:An excellent article about the massive Spygate scandal, and the media’s role in it. 


The hapless Democrats expect even more defections on the impeachment vote. 


Unbelievable! The Fusion GPS hoaxers are at it again!


Unbelievably, the FBI declares it has no records of discipline against the lawyers in the collusion hoax. 


Snake Jim Comey strikes again!


A major victory in the UK for common sense.


Video: Democrat watches golf during the “serious” impeachment hearing.


Impeachment was a total, complete, epic failure. After the hearings 52% do not support impeachment


Another misguided court ruling interferes with the border wall construction. 


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