Danielle Pittaluga is a physical therapist and contractor for a Special Warfare unit and embedded in the Tactical Air Control Party Unit of the United States Air Force at Fort Bragg/Pope Army Airfield. She is also a nutrition Coach and recently started her own blog called Fit 4 the Fight educating on topics such as performance, recovery, nutrition, and rehab.
Danielle discusses the different types of military jobs and settings for physical therapists and the perks that come with this position that are not typically seen in the civilian world – lack of working with insurance, increased autonomy, treated as specialist, order imaging, and order certain types of medication.
As a nutrition coach, Danielle has become an educator on performance, nutrition, and rehab for any individual to conquer their own fight. She remains active on her website by writing blogs and having a presence on social media platforms to spread her insight on human performance and optimization.
26:58 “Don’t give up if you know what you want if you have a dream or a goal.” – Danielle Pittaluga