pt pintcast

Making Physical Therapy the First Step in Healthcare with Justin Feldman

Justin Feldman, the visionary behind Feldman Physical Therapy & Performance, as we explore the transformative power of physical therapy in today’s healthcare landscape. Operating successful self-pay clinics in the Hudson Valley, Justin shares his passion for making physical therapy a positive and engaging experience for everyone.

As a devoted husband, father, active marathon runner, triathlete, and a member of the Mount Snow Ski Patrol, Justin embodies the spirit of staying active and embracing the great outdoors. In this episode, we delve into his innovative approach to physical therapy, advocating for it to become a common entry point into the healthcare system.

Discover how Justin’s clinics are changing the narrative around physical therapy, making it more accessible and enjoyable for patients. Whether you’re a healthcare professional looking to inspire your practice, or someone curious about the benefits of physical therapy, this episode will leave you energized and intrigued.

Learn the secret to keeping patients engaged and making work fun, directly from a leader who’s paving the way for a healthier, more active community. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation that could redefine how we think about healthcare and physical therapy’s role in it.