Mapping Your Goals on Twitter with Britt Michaelian

This episode’s #TwitterSmarter guest is writer, producer and entrepreneur Britt Michaelian. This proud wife and mom is the host of Mass Amplify, a podcast for social media brand builders, strategists and influencers who want to amplify content for intentional results.

Episode Highlights:

  • To find value from Twitter, it is important to be strategic in its use and to set measurable goals – this means mapping out the top three things to do on Twitter each day
  • When starting out, commit to tweeting regularly, show up authentically, and curate and create content that is of value
  • Know who you are and what your core goals are before determining how to integrate Twitter into your amplification strategy
  • Twitter chats are great for building community – participate in 1-3 per week


  • Map out the top three things you need to do on Twitter each day to be successful.
  • Pay attention to what brought you into someone else’s community so that you’ll know how to do it for others.

Links to tools and resources mentioned in this episode:

How To Reach Britt:You can reach Britt on Twitter @BrittMichaelian, or via her the website for her podcast:

Your Call To Action: I find a lot of value in the content Britt shares. If you’re trying to figure out your amplification strategy, I encourage you to subscribe to her Mass Amplify podcast and to also check out her curated lists on Twitter. Tweet me @MadalynSklar to share your new discoveries.

Share The Love: Want an easy “one-click” way to Share The Love for this podcast? Go here: to tweet out your love.

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