More Troubling Deep State Connections Emerge (Ep 1160)

In this episode, I address the stunning connections between the Ukraine scandal and the impeachment hoax. All roads lead to Ukraine. I also address the latest anti-Trump hoax which emerged on MSNBC last night. 

News Picks:
LOL: HBO announces a new documentary about fake news, produced by fake news Brian Stelter. 


Even the biased FISA Court appointed reviewer says the FBI isn’t doing enough to stop abuses.


The DOJ forcefully denies the latest claims in the Ukraine sham. 


The looney Democrats’ impeachment ceremony was “like spackling a turd with gold paint.” 


Rand Paul puts shakey Republicans on notice for the pending impeachment trial.


This 2015 article highlights some interesting connections between the Clintons, Iran, and a major Ukrainian donor.


Gun-grabbing liberal Governor in Virginia to declare a “state of emergency” to trample on the Second Amendment


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