Paul Levy and Gemini Brett – Awaken in the Dream

Author, artist, spiritual activist, and agent of awakening Paul Levy sits with celestial navigator Gemini Brett to unfold the dreamlike nature of reality and empower us with tools for breaking the curse of evil.

From psychology to quantum physics, from Buddha to Hitler, from Jesus to Mercurius, from shamanism to alchemy, this conversation is meant to challenge us to take responsibility for our role within the shadow so we may consciously reclaim our sovereign right as artistic cocreaters of light.

“There is no possibility of awakening from our collective nightmare without first becoming aware of what is keeping us asleep… Seeing this psychological disease manifesting in the world is the looking glass through which we can potentially recognize this same illness as it rises subjectively within our own minds… Hidden in the evil of Wetiko is its own medicine. Encoded in the darkness is the revelation of light.” – Paul Levy, “Dispelling Wetiko – Breaking the Curse of Evil

Are we ready to Awaken in the Dream?

Paul Levy –
Gemini Brett –