SC018: West Wing S1E16 “20 Hours in L.A.”

In this episode Matt takes a look at West Wing S1E16 “20 Hours In L.A.”. There is also a special spoiler section for those who have watched the entire series after the end music.

Submit your thoughts about any West Wing episode from S1E11 to S1E22 by December 6th, 2015! Get yours in for the feedback cast that will follow the review of the Season 1 finale today!

Also we’ll have the Season 1 West Wing Awards for Favorite Episode, Scene, Main Character, and Guest Star, as well as the Least Favorite of the same categories. Send in your nominations!

You can submit by sending e-mails to, tweeting @sorkincast, or calling 314-669-1840 to offer that feedback.

Please leave the podcast a written review in iTunes, or on Stitcher and find all back episodes, contact, social media and podcatcher links at
