SC046: West Wing S2E19 “Bad Moon Rising” with Yannick

Apologies for some of the audio quality in this podcast. A prominent white noise was present in one of the tracks and had to be filtered, which left a lower volume level than usual.

In this episode Matt is joined by Yannick (@Realyaman on twitter) to take a look at West Wing S2E19 “Bad Moon Rising”.

Submit your thoughts about any West Wing episode from S2E01 to S2E22 by Tuesday July 12th, 2016! Get yours in for the feedback cast that will follow the review of the S2E22 today! Also submit your favorite and least favorite Season 2 Episodes, Scenes, Characters, and Guest Stars for the Season 2 West Wing Awards by the same date!

You can submit or offer feedback by sending e-mails to, tweeting @sorkincast, or calling 314-669-1840. Please leave the podcast a written review in whatever podcatcher app you use, and find all back episodes, contact and social media information, and podcatcher links at
