The 13th Flower And The Seven Gates – An Interview With Sydney Culver – 9.1.15

Before She rose this morning, our sister Planet, Venus, completed her pass of Earth in the dance of these heavenly twins around the bright light of their star. The Goddess’ forty days and forty nights of retrograde riddle through the Zodiac has come to a close and, though Venus will continue to rise to her eastern height, the Signs show that She has begun to chase the light of the Sun. This is the descent of Inanna into the Underworld and, every month as Crescent Moon embraces Morning Star, the Queen of Heaven and Earth will descend through one of seven gates on her way down into the Kur.

At each of the Moon Gates, one of Inanna’s sacred adornments of Holy ME will be taken from Her body. On September 10th, She will release her Shugurra, the Crown of the Steppe; on October 8th, Her lapis earings; on Novmber 7th, the double-stranded lazuli necklace; Her golden breastplate called, “Come Man, Come” on December 7th; on January 6th, Her golden ring of power; the lapis measuring rod and line on February 5th; and finally, on March 7th, Her Royal Red Robe: a clear correlation to the seven sacred chakras.

To dive into those mysteries, I recently recorded this conversation with Seattle healer, Sydney Culver. Embodiment. Remembrance. Congruency.

See you on Earth,
Gemini Brett

Sydney Culver

“Dance the Riddle”
by Marya Stark