The Power of Conversation on Twitter with Joe Martin

Joe Martin is the Head of Social Analytics and a Brand Evangelist at Adobe. He has 10 years experience managing various areas of marketing including research, media buying, social, and overall strategy.

As the Head of Social Insights his team is responsible for using data insights from social to influence strategy, product development, monitor the brand, and improve content strategy. Basically Joe is an uber smart data guy. His analyses have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Associated Press, and Forbes.

In this episode, Joe shares helpful advice that will help you get heard. Whether it’s creating fascinating content for your blog, participating in Twitter chats or being featured on a podcast, it’s all about the conversation. You can build a following by going to where everyone is at, like trending topics and hashtags. You want to get active and share your point of view. Be engaging and have fun.

My Favorite Quote:

“Be engaging and fun. Be yourself.”

Your Call-to-Action:

Your call-to-action for this episode is to follow Joe’s advice and go to where there is high volume on Twitter. Find a Twitter chat that resonates with you like maybe #AdobeChat or #TwitterSmarter. Click here for my Very Best Twitter Chats for Social Media & Marketing. You can also find people to connect with on trending hashtags. Send me a tweet @MadalynSklar and let me know how this is working out. I want to hear from you!

How to Reach Joe:

You can reach Joe on Twitter @joeDmarti and on LinkedIn.

Ask Me Anything!

I want to answer your questions about Twitter. Leave me a voicemail at and I will pick a few to answer on the show. Don’t be shy. I want to hear from you.

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