‘This Movie Changed Me’ Is Back

Movies can be whimsical, terrifying, life-altering, culture-changing experiences where the big ideas we take up at “On Being” show up in the heart of our lives. This hour we experience this through seven lives and seven movies — from “The Wizard of Oz” and “Black Panther” to “The Exorcist.” Get out the popcorn for this upcoming flavor of the new season of our On Being Studios podcast “This Movie Changed Me” — a love letter to movies and their power to teach, connect, and transform us.

Naomi Alderman is a professor of creative writing at Bath Spa University. Her books include “The Power” and “Disobedience,” which was adapted into a feature film starring Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams. She’s also a game writer whose work includes the alternate-reality game “Perplex City” and the fitness game “Zombies, Run!”

Drew Hammond is an English teacher at Eagan High School in Eagan, Minnesota. He’s also an award-winning public speaking coach, a published playwright, and a former stand-up comedian. He is featured in the documentary “Figures of Speech,” which is out on Netflix.

Mark Kermode is the chief film critic for “The Observer,” host of the podcast “Kermode On Film,” and co-host of “Kermode & Mayo’s Film Review” on BBC Radio 5 Live. His books on film include “Hatchet Job,” “It’s Only A Movie,” and “How Does It Feel? A Life of Musical Misadventures.”

Zahida Sherman is the director of the Multicultural Resource Center at Oberlin College. She was formerly the assistant director of black student success at University of the Pacific. Find her writings on race, gender, and adulthood in “Bustle and Blavity.”

Seth Godin writes the wildly popular daily, “Seth’s Blog.” His podcast is “Akimbo.” He’s the author of many best-selling books, online and in print, including “This is Marketing,” “Purple Cow,” “The Dip,” and “Linchpin.” In 2018 he was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame.