Twitter Strategies to Amplify Social Selling with Mindi Rosser

Mindi Rosser is a Social Selling Strategist and Social Media Marketing Manager splitting her time between her own consulting company as well as The Conversion Company Network, a digital marketing agency that focuses on B2B marketing to engage prospects and generate leads.

In this episode, Mindi shares helpful social selling strategies that she uses on Twitter. I love her advice on building trust and sharing great content. It’s all about getting prospects to Know, Like and Trust you. She recommends using Twitter as an indirect sales tool, like as a conversation starter to connect with people. You’re going to learn helpful tips from Mindi that will help ramp up your Twitter marketing and give you a fresh, new perspective. My Favorite Quotes During the Interview:

“I feel like Twitter allows us to be more dynamic with our social selling strategy and implement our plan and get results and start talking to buyers.”

“People really have to know you. They have to start liking you. And then they will begin to trust you. And you do that on Twitter by sharing great content, by talking with people, by answering questions, and using Twitter not as a direct sales tool, but a little bit more of an indirect sales tool and almost like a conversation starter and a way to connect with others.”

“Building Twitter organically and being strategic about the type of content that you share will also attract the right followers to you.”

“It’s not as much about the number of followers as it is about the engagement that I’m having with the followers and having the right followers. So I’ve stopped focusing so much on getting the biggest following and trying to gain massive amounts of followers. It’s more about the engagements that I am having.” Your Call-To-Action: Your call-to-action for this episode is to sell without selling. Yes, you heard me right. Sell. And whatever it is you sell – a product or service, whatever it is, I want you to first educate your buyers and prospects. Be a resource and help. Offer a demo or free trial. Do something that attracts their attention in a way that is not salesy. Try this and let me know how this works out by sending me a tweet @MadalynSklar. You can reach Mindi Rosser on Twitter @MindiRRosser, email, through her website or connect with her on LinkedIn at

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