wdw radio

WDW Radio # 732 – Roger Rabbit in Walt Disney World: What Is, Was, and Might Have Been – From the WDW Radio Archives

WDW Radio # 732 – Roger Rabbit in Walt Disney World: What Is, Was, and Might Have Been – From the WDW Radio Archives

Some questions and discussion in the WDW Radio Clubhouse on Facebook this week prompted me to pull this show from the WDW Radio Archives, as Jim Korkis and I virtually visit Disney’s Hollywood Studios on Show # 327 back in 2013, where we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” We recorded live at Disney’s Hollywood Studios take a stroll through the Studios and look back at the movie’s history, Roger’s presence in the Studios and elsewhere around the parks (both current and extinct), what might have been, and what the future may hold for Roger Rabbit in the Disney Parks.

For a much more important and meaningful reason, I also wanted to feature an episode with my longtime friend and guest on the show, Jim Korkis. Jim is not only one of the most knowledgable Disney historians and wonderful storyteller and author of dozens of books, but Jim is just a good man. I shared recently that after suffering his fall and long recovery in the hospital, as well as multiple heart bypasses, Jim has been diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 colon cancer that has also spread to his liver. I visited with Jim for a few hours this week, and he will be starting chemotherapy in the next few weeks.

He is also very concerned about mounting bills, and I also wanted to share that a GoFundMe has been formed to help with home and medical expenses. I created an easy link directly to it at WDWRadio.com/HelpJim. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. You may have never met Jim, but he has been a friend since the very beginning, and is a member of our extended family. Anything you can do to help, whether it be through prayer, his GoFundMe, or even just spreading the word to others would be greatly appreciated

Share your thoughts in the WDW Radio Clubhouse at WDWRadio.com/Clubhouse, or call the voicemail at 407-900-9391 (WDW1) and share your story on the show.

But for now… sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode from the Archives on the WDW Radio show.


THANK YOU for your support by voting WDW Radio Best Travel Podcast for 9 consecutive years! Sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode of the WDW Radio show. Thanks for listening! Be sure to tune in next week!


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