wdw radio

WDW Radio Show # 105 – February 8, 2009 – Your Walt Disney World Information Station

Hello and welcome to The WDW Radio Show – Your Walt Disney World Information Station. This is show #105 for the week of February 8, 2009, and as always, I am your host, Lou Mongello. We’ll kick off this week’s show with some news from Walt Disney World, before climbing aboard my Wayback Machine for another trip back in time and to the future, as we take a look at “The World Showcase That Never Was.” Ryan Wilson joins me to explore some pavilions in World Showcase that were closer to being built than you might think, other concepts that never made it off the drawing board, and even some additions to current pavilions that we never got to see. We’ll take a look at what might have been, and also peek ahead, and discuss what may be coming to the promenade in the future. At the end, I’ll ask you for your opinion on the future of World Showcase. I’ll open up the Inbox once again and answer many more of your emails this week with the help of Beci Mahnken. We’ll “Walk Around the World,” take a look at birthdays, music, romance, Animatronics, and so much more as we answer your questions and help you with some vacation planning advice and tips. I’ll announce last week’s Walt Disney World trivia contest winner before I give you a new set of challenges for this week’s contest where you can win a prize package and even a bonus prize as well. Stay tuned to the end of the show for some announcements before I play back some of your voicemails, so sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode of the WDW Radio Show. You can email the show at lou@wdwradio.com or call the voicemail TOLL FREE at 888-703-2171. Visit the web site at wdwradio.com Talk about the show by visiting and posting in the WDW Radio Show message forums at DisneyWorldTrivia.com. Thanks for listening! Be sure to tune in next week!