wdw radio

WDW Radio Show # 182 – August 8, 2010 – Your Walt Disney World Information Station

Hello and welcome to The WDW Radio Show – Your Walt Disney World Information Station. I am your host, Lou Mongello, and this is show #182 for the week of August 8, 2010. We’ll start off this week’s show with a visit to what has recently become one of my favorite areas of the Magic Kingdom, as we look at the Top Ten Things We Love About Liberty Square. Beyond the Haunted Mansion, it is a land filled with incredible details, historical importance, and wonderful opportunities. I’ll then take you to the waters of the Seven Seas Lagoon and aboard the Grand One, the most luxurious watercraft at Walt Disney World, as we explore how this cruising experience is perfect for parties, a romantic evening and special occasions. I’ll announce the winner of our last Walt Disney World Trivia Contest, have a few announcements and then play more of your voicemails at the end of the show. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode of the WDW Radio Show. You can email the show at lou@wdwradio.com or call the voicemail TOLL FREE at 888-703-2171. Visit the web site at wdwradio.com and talk about the show by visiting and posting in the WDW Radio Show message forums Join the fan page on Facebook: http://facebook.com/wdwradio Follow Lou on Twitter: http://twitter.com/loumongello Get some Disney magic delivered right to your door! Subscribe to Celebrations Magazine at http://CelebrationsPress.com Thanks for listening! Be sure to tune in next week!