wdw radio

WDW Radio Show # 90 – October 26, 2008 – Your Walt Disney World Information Station

Hello and welcome once again to The WDW Radio Show – Your Walt Disney World Information Station. I am your host, Lou Mongello and this is show #90 for the week of October 26, 2008. Timing is everything, and this week I have two segments for you that I chose just for that reason. With the upcoming Presidential election, I thought it would be a great opportunity to take a detailed look at the Magic Kingdom’s Hall of Presidents. It’s an attraction rich in history, unique in concept and is unfortunately often overlooked. Kristen Helmstetter, who wrote her Honors Thesis on this attraction, joins me to discuss its history, story, changes and importance. In my next segment, we’ll celebrate the Halloween season, along with one of our all-time favorite attractions, as Tim Foster and I take a fun look at the Top Ten Things We Love About the Haunted Mansion. With so much to enjoy and appreciate about this timeless classic, Top 10 might be a bit of a misnomer on this one. I’ll have more updates at the end of the show, as well as some of your voicemails, so sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s episode of the WDW Radio Show. You can email the show at lou@wdwradio.com or call the voicemail TOLL FREE at 1-888-703-2171 . Visit the web site at wdwradio.com. Talk about the show by visiting and posting in the WDW Radio Show message forums at DisneyWorldTrivia.com. Thanks for listening! Be sure to tune in next week!