pt pintcast

Welcome Aboard! Physical Therapy in the US Navy

Physical Therapy in the US Navy

Stephen Grist is a Navy physical therapist at the Naval Hospital in Guam and the representative of the Federal Section for the APTA.

Ways to serve depends on the branch of service, the population and location, and the type of PT setting. 

Difference between Military and Civilian PT’s

* Seen as the number one musculoskeletal expert* Imaging privileges* Ordering lab testing* Joint injections * Medication prescription

These opportunities are site specific. If the credential is legal, a Navy PT can add it and start utilizing these in the Military System.

Stephen recommends students to reach out to local treatment facilities to gain military and federal experience. Check out APTA’s Federal Section for more information about Federal PT.

The unique roles as a Navy PT include

* Assignments in Navy treatment facilities* Post professional training and specialization* Research opportunities* Embedded jobs on aircraft carriers


“It is not that hard to get involved in federal PT… If you’re interested, the best way to get involved is to get some exposure” – STEPHEN