pt pintcast

What Does an ER Physical Therapist do?

Megan Mitchell is a physical therapist in the Emergency Department at Denver Health Medical Center. She is part of the emergency management team is on the front and responds to chemical, biological, nuclear, radiologic, and explosive events (CBRNE) that occur near the hospital. She also wrote the role of physical therapists involved in mass casualty events, teaches at the University of Colorado, and volunteers for the Community Emergency Response Team and Disaster REsponder with Team Rubicon USA. 

Episode Takeaways

The role of physical therapists in domestic emergencies and disaster responses

Increasing knowledge of our role and practice to emergency responders

Current hospital preparedness programs

Physical therapist’s role in caring about CBRNE events

Ways PT/PTA can engage in hospital disaster responses 

Wilderness PT is a niche within a niche of Emergency Response PT