You’ve Gotta Wake Up and Pay Attention to Your Money!

Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • “Is it wrong to sell a gift?”
  • “Should I sell my car to pay my student loans?”
  • “How can I manage finances after my husband passed,”
  • “Can I afford to visit my dying father?”
  • The latest on the real estate market,
  • What to do with a large financial gift,
  • “I owe the IRS $100,000…”
  • read more: Tax Debt Relief: How to Handle Back Taxes,
  • “Should we focus on improving our credit score?”
  • “Should I pay off my fiancée’s car?”
  • “I don’t feel like we’re making any progress”
  • “Do I look at my student loans individually or as a group?”
  • Check out the Ramsey Student Loan Hub for tips, tools, and the fastest way to pay off your student loans,
  • “Should I take out a debt consolidation loan?”
  • “Is it ethical to invest in stocks?”

Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET

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